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Transform Your Shot In Just One Week

Join NBA Shooting Coach Dave Love for an Intensive, Private Shooting Training Experience

“Elevate your shooting game with a week-long private training experience in Calgary, Canada, led by NBA Shooting Coach Dave Love. This exclusive experience is designed for players of all levels—from aspiring youth athletes to seasoned professionals—offering two personalized one-hour workouts each day. These sessions mirror the same high-level training I provide to my NBA clients, ensuring that you receive the most effective and tailored coaching available. Parents of youth players are encouraged to participate in the workouts, learning alongside their athletes to better support their development. Join me in Calgary for an intensive, transformative experience that will change the way you approach your shot.”

Training highlights

Habit Identification

We’ll start by identifying the habits that make you a great shooter and those that might be holding you back. This foundational step allows us to tailor the training to your specific needs.

Skill Acquisition Mastery

Learn the principles of skill acquisition so you can continue to coach yourself long after our sessions. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of how to develop and maintain your shooting skills.

Shooting Schedule

I’ll help you create a shooting schedule tailored to your needs, showing you how to practice differently at various times of the year to maximize your development.

Building Confidence

True confidence comes from understanding the work that goes into building a great shot. We’ll focus on the mental aspects of shooting, ensuring that you develop not just skill but also the mindset needed to succeed.

Video Analysis Skills

Learn how to analyze video of your own shooting, so you can become your own shooting coach. I’ll teach you what to look for and how to make adjustments on your own.

Success Stories/Testimonials

Over the years, players of all levels—from youth athletes to NBA stars—have seen significant improvements in their shooting through my training methods. Here’s what some of them have to say about their experience working with me.”

Training Schedule & Structure

Whether you are a pro or a youth player, your week in Calgary is designed to maximize improvement without overwhelming you. Each day consists of two one-hour private workouts, where we’ll dive deep into every aspect of your shooting. These sessions are intense and focused, but also balanced with time for rest and reflection. If you’re a youth player, your parents are encouraged to join us on the court, learning the drills and concepts so they can support your growth even after the training is over. Here’s a look at a typical day:”

Sample Daily Schedule:

Morning: On-Court Training (1 hour)
Movement Coordination drills designed to relearn movement pattern, and explore more optimal movements

Time to recover and mentally prepare for the next session
with Coach Love
Afternoon: On-Court Training (1 hour)

Skill Adaptability Training designed to help players apply new habits into more game-representative situations
Evening: Explore Calgary

Relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Calgary

Why Train with Coach Dave Love?

“As a shooting coach with a proven track record at the NBA level, I bring a wealth of experience and a data-driven approach to shooting development. My methods have helped players like Tristan Thompson, who became the first player in NBA history to switch his shooting hand mid-career, leading to his best shooting year ever. I’ve also guided players like Aaron Gordon and Dewayne Dedmon to significant improvements in their shooting percentages, and EuroLeague and EuroCup players like Facundo Campazzo and Melvin Ejim rediscover their shooting form.  Plus, countless youth and aspiring players have learned important new skills.”


Are You Struggling With....

Do you feel like your shot is hit or miss, even during practice?

Many players struggle with consistency, leaving them frustrated and lacking confidence on the court. My training targets the root causes of inconsistency, whether it’s in your mechanics, mindset, or practice habits, ensuring that every shot is reliable and repeatable.”

Do you find it hard to trust your shot in crucial moments?

It’s common for players to lose confidence when the stakes are high. I focus on developing true confidence by helping you understand the work and preparation that goes into building a great shot. With a stronger mental approach, you’ll be able to trust your shot when it matters most.”

Are you feeling stuck, like you’re not improving no matter how much you practice?

Plateaus are frustrating and can be difficult to overcome without the right guidance. I use a data-informed approach to identify the habits that are holding you back and introduce targeted drills that turn weaknesses into strengths, breaking through your plateau and taking your game to the next level.

Do you often wonder if you’re practicing the right way or focusing on the right things?

It’s easy to feel lost or overwhelmed by the sheer amount of advice out there. I’ll help you create a shooting schedule tailored to your specific needs, showing you how to practice effectively at different times of the year, so you can be confident that every minute you spend on the court is making you better.”

Are you unsure how to assess your own shooting and make adjustments?

Many players struggle to analyze their own form, leading to repeated mistakes. I teach you how to break down video of your own shooting, empowering you to become your own shooting coach. With these skills, you’ll be able to make the necessary adjustments on your own, even when I’m not there to guide you.


Proven Success: “I’ve worked with players at every level, helping them achieve their goals and elevate their game.  Many players have gone on to win Championships, sign significant NBA contracts and win awards after working with me.”

Published Research: “I’m not just coaching with my experience and opinion.  I have also published research on the biomechanics of shooting a basketball, contributing to the scientific understanding of this critical skill.”

Evidence-Based Approach: “My approach to skill acquisition is grounded in evidence, ensuring that the techniques I teach are backed by the latest research, some of which I’ve written myself.”

Data-Informed Habit Identification: “I use data to identify the habits that will help you succeed and those that may be holding you back.”

Research on Training Periodization: “I have conducted and published research on training periodization and scheduling, ensuring that your training is optimized for maximum improvement.”

Discover Calgary

“While you’re here to improve your shot, Calgary offers much more than just world-class basketball training. Nestled at the foothills of the stunning Canadian Rockies near world famous Banff and Lake Louise, Calgary is a vibrant city known for its friendly people, outdoor adventures, and breathtaking scenery. When you’re not on the court, take some time to explore everything Calgary has to offer—from hiking and mountain biking in the nearby mountains to visiting the city’s top attractions, like the Calgary Tower and the historic Inglewood neighborhood.”

Lake Louise

Lake Louise

Calgary at night

Calgary at night

Kananaskis Country

Kananaskis Country



Calgary Zoo

Calgary Zoo

Pricing & Availability:

Invest in your future as a shooter with a week of private training designed to elevate your game. The package includes five full days of one-on-one coaching, personalized video analysis, and a customized training plan to continue your progress after the week ends. Spaces are limited, and demand is high, so secure your spot today.

Due to my work with NBA teams and players I’m only available select weeks of the year with advance notice, and only from Monday to Friday.

“Don’t wait to take your shooting to the next level. This is your opportunity to work directly with an NBA Shooting Coach and see real, measurable improvements in just one week. Whether you’re preparing for the next season or looking to refine your skills, this training is the step you need to elevate your game. Spots are limited, so take action now.”

Have questions or need more information before booking? I’m here to help. Reach out, and I’ll be happy to discuss how this training can be tailored to your needs